
Luminate – the online learning platform for schools in Nigeria and beyond.

Online learning has become an important topic for schools to consider across the world. Since the advent of Covid-19 which led to the enforcement of a lockdown, a new normal has been introduced. One of such is how teaching and learning can continue, even if students do not have to be in a conventional brick and mortar classroom. Many schools in Nigeria struggled and are still struggling to adapt to online learning for different reasons. A new online learning platform for schools is here to offer a rare solution to many of these challenges.

First, what are the main challenges with online learning?

  • Inadequate Technical Infrastructure in Schools
  • Low Level of Digital Literacy among Teachers & Students
  • Poor & Expensive Internet Connectivity to create or access learning content online.
  • Lack of Digital Device for Teaching and Learning.
  • Weak Financial Capacity among Schools & Parents.
  • General lack of will to accept and adapt to online learning among decision-makers.

What is the solution?

Learning must continue, covid or not. That’s why humans will continue to find solutions to challenges instead of running away from them. That’s what Sidmach Technologies has done in this instance – creating platforms that make work smarter and make life better.

The Sidmach team has developed a new online learning platform for schools called Luminate. This e-learning platform has been carefully developed and designed to ease some challenges and totally eliminate other challenges for schools.

What does this Luminate – the Online Learning Platform for Schools – offer?

Luminate is the all-in-one platform for schools to achieve online Teaching, Learning, Assessment (incl. examinations), and Content Collaboration in one place, with direct control on internet data consumption. The solution connects teachers and students, with collaborative tools and effective features to deliver better academic outcomes.

With Luminate, learners do not need to sit in a classroom and wait for a tutor or lecturer to come to class anymore. Everything needed to teach, learn, or take examinations is made available via their phones, tablets, or computers – with control on how much internet is consumed.

Luminate offers schools, teachers, and content creators the opportunity to take e-learning to a completely new level, providing new opportunities to earn additional revenue on the content they create. With special features which guide them through content design, setup, delivery, monetization, tracking, and assessment/certification, Luminate covers every ground for various stakeholders, while making teaching just as exciting as learning.

Who can you use this online learning platform called ‘Luminate’?

Luminate is a knowledge bank where teachers and learners connect to exchange knowledge. The platform ensures that online teaching, learning and examinations can happen securely on any device. It has been designed to work optimally for the following stakeholders:


Primary, Secondary, Polytechnics, Universities, College of Education, Vocational Training Insititute, Professional Schools, Seminaries, Coaches and others. Whichever one you are, you can easily set up an account on Luminate and become the admin manager of your school. You are also able to add other administrators as you wish. As administrators, you will be able to have access to a dashboard to effectively track teaching and learning on this platform. This enhances visibility and helps with making decisions that will drive better academic outcomes in your institution.

Some of the benefits you will enjoy as a school on Luminate are listed below:

  • Reduced internet cost in creating and managing content.
  • Ease of creating content in video, text and other formats.
  • Improved system for conducting and marking tests, assignments, and examinations.
  • Content monetization opportunity.
  • Effective management, ownership and security of intellectual property.
  • Easy management of student learning data.
  • Real-time access to insights from learning progress.
Teachers & Lecturers:

Teachers or Lecturers in your institution can create learning content in video, text, HTML and other formats on Luminate for students to consume, without requiring so much internet data. This platform has been designed to help the lecturers manage the internet data effectively in content upload, classroom, and exam management, from any location and any device. Furthermore, content created on Luminate can be monetized for extra income.


Your students can access relevant classroom content, take assignments, tests or write examinations from the convenience of their digital devices, and at their own pace. Internet consumption is minimized for them without compromising on the quality of the content. These features make learning affordable, effective, and personal for them.

Some of the benefits for your students on Luminate include:

  • Efficient, self-paced learning.
  • Instant assessment to monitor learning progress.
  • Easy collaboration with classmates and tutors.
  • Ease of taking and submitting online tests, assignments, and examinations.
  • Access to learning content on multiple devices.

What are the features of this online learning platform for schools called ‘Luminate’?

To help your institution gain the best from Luminate, it comes with the following features:

  • Videoconferencing (for live classrooms, general meetings with staff, or project defense) with collaborative features.
  • Content creation tools for video, text, or HTML content.
  • Proctoring tool for examination management.
  • Easy data migration (Single and Bulk) from any platform you are currently using.
  • Content and Department Management. You can easily distribute students to each department or course they should be taking.
  • Unique code generated for each school to connect students with schools and ensure that only paying students to get access to content.
  • Analytics Dashboard for insights to keep track of how students are learning.
  • No Installation required. Just create an account and get started.
  • Customizable interface to reflect your institution’s brand colours.
  • Security parameters to manage (or restrict access) to content and examination data.
  • Plugin (APIs) and Social Integration Capabilities.

What are the benefits of using this online learning platform for schools?

With Luminate, online learning can be more exciting, engaging and impactful. It is our belief that the implementation of Luminate by your institution would improve the academic outcomes for students. Below are some of the immediate benefits your institution will enjoy by adopting Luminate.

  • Free Online Training for Administrators and Lecturers for the first month.
  • Uninterrupted academic calendar for your institution regardless of any natural or unnatural disruptions.
  • Personalized, efficient, and self-paced learning for your students.
  • Direct insight into the effectiveness of teaching and impact on students, to aid improvement where necessary.
  • Access to productivity tools from Microsoft to aid collaboration among lecturers and students.
  • Ease of access on smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
  • User-friendly, fast, and interactive platform.
  • Total control over the content in your school account and optimum data security. It is 100% your intellectual property.
  • Detailed Learner, Teacher, Examination, and other relevant Reporting
  • 24/7 Support and dedicated account manager if your school has over 1000 students.

What is the price for using Luminate?

This online learning platform for schools is designed with flexible pricing options to ensure that all kinds and sizes of schools can benefit from the platform. You will get a fitting price for your institution upon direct engagement with your school management. To begin discussions, you can send a mail to corporate@sidmach.com or visit www.luminate.ng/schools.

As we gear up to face the new normal in the wake of the global pandemic, Luminate offers the perfect platform to adapt and achieve effective virtual and blended learning in your school, ensuring that your students can access learning content and take examinations from their various smartphones, tablets, or PCs.

The Sidmach Team will be happy to engage you further through physical/virtual meetings for a demo of how Luminate can work for your institution. You can book a demo by sending a mail to corporate@sidmach.com. The team will also be happy to work with relevant stakeholders to implement this solution to meet the requirements for your school and ensure learning is not interrupted.

Sidmach Technologies Nigeria Limited has been providing quality, efficient, and cost-effective services in the education sector for the last 27 years, particularly to WAEC, JAMB, NERDC, NYSC and other leading public and private organizations. Our platforms are designed to make work smarter and make life better.


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